3.15.1 was then launched to the LIVE branch shortly before the start of the IAE event, without EAC, but the testing phases for it were still ongoing on the PTU branches. However, due to -insert reasons here- and little time left, it was decided to temporarily drop EAC from the build. Game builds using EAC were thoroughly tested in PTU phases, both on ETF and public waves before the planned launch of 3.15.1. Examples of these were localization mods for players that don't speak English, control extensions such as Voice Attack or GameGlass, screenshotting tools such as Reshade, or mods that allow Linux users to run the game. Some of these were made in order to benefit the community in a legitimate way. Since the first versions of the game, people have been creating their own content out of the game using their own modifications. Implementing EAC into the game, especially since the community has been able to freely tinker with the game up until now, can have its issues. It was planned to be implemented with the release of Alpha 3.15.1, a patch that also included content for the Intergalactic Aerospace Expo 2951 (IAE). If you are comfortable with seated game play, if you can handle dropped frames without getting sick, if you are fine with tweaking and adjusting stuff, if you have specific use cases in mind as far as games to play and have researched them to see how they work for other people with VorpX, then I would say get it.Cloud Imperium announced that they decided to use EAC as Star Citizen's main anti-cheat software through a Spectrum post on November 5th, 2021.

If you just want plug-and-play magic, it is not for you, it is not for everybody. People who wouldn't want to deal with a lot of fiddly screwy setup things would not like it, and it won't magically turn a non VR game into a VR one. For me it is one of the most useful VR pieces of software and well worth every penny and I will continue using it for years to come unless something somehow better comes along.

I would only reccommend VorpX to people who are willing to take the time screwing with a bunch of stuff to get everything running and don't have motion sickness issues since there's no motion assistance teleport stuff. VorpX is probably worth it for the cinema mode alone. Biggest issues are tweaking the HUD and UI, but like Skyrim, there's enough mods that you can customize everything enough to make it actually fully playable in VR.Īlso VorpX cinema mode can work really well too for less moddable stuff that has UI's that would never otherwise work in VR. Janky to set up, a lot of performance mods and tweaks needed, lower graphics settings, lots of time tweaking custom Steam Controller settings to simultaneously control the game, mods, and VorpX itself, but worth the many hours of set up for me.

I'm doing a New Vegas playthough with VorpX and it is pretty phenomenal.